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Welcome to the Graham-Yooll family!

A website to share our family history, interests and stories.

Recent updates

March 2020 - Mary Turner Thomson appears on This Morning to talk about her story and updated book "The bigamist".

Featured links

This website provides a digital space to help connect the widely flung members of the Graham-Yooll family, and link to some of their activities and achievements. A big focus is on the creative contributions that many family members have made - and continue to make - through their art and writing.

We've published some of their work on this website, or provided links to their own websites where possible. Please browse away through the links below or the menu above to discover more...


A creative family

One way or another, we've managed to accumulate quite a number of artists and creatives in the Graham-Yooll extended family. Find out more about these people, and follow links to their webpages to see their work.


Penny's Paintings

Penny Graham-Yooll took to the creative arts as a hobby in retirement. She did some intricate wood carvings, made lovely pots and mugs, and latterly has taken to abstract painting.. 


Books by Fred

Fred Graham-Yooll has written several books based on his life's work and interests, which range from the history of Cleopatra to the future of our planet.


Richard's Writing

Richard Graham-Yooll had a vibrant imagination, which he set free by writing short stories, poems and novels. We've reproduced a small selection on this website.


Abigail's Journal

When her two-year-old son, Charlie Waller, was diagnosed with a terminal illness, Abigail (Graham-Yooll) Waller took to writing letters to try and explain and share her grief. 


Betty's memoires

Betty Graham-Yooll was a prolific poet and writer, although her main memoire was never formally published. We've produced some extracts and a range of her poetry on this site.

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